Wednesday, June 11, 2014

2014 and J S Bach

I have been rather slow to follow up my last post! So many things to write about that a state of fugue set in and nothing actually emerged in print. I am trying to catch up on myself now.I am currently writing this listening to the Berlin Philharmonic under Sir Simon Rattle performing Bach's St John's Passion, a wonderful piece which I love to bits. The amazing thing is not that I am listening to it but that I am also watching the performance on my iPad through the Berlin Philharmonic's digital concert hall. The subscription to this amazing app was my birthday present from Rebecca and Henry. The performance is brilliant both musically and visually. The choir start off lying on their backs on the ground and gradually rise to seated and then to standing. You have to see it to appreciate the effect this has. It's surprisingly gripping. It's actually semi staged but is far more powerful to watch than those words suggest. The photography is in full HD, beautifully lit, filmed and edited. It is really quite distracting from my work but I can't really get too worried about as the improvement in my mood brought about by the beautiful Bach far outweighs the distraction! If only I didn't have to work.....

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