Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New computer, new post

After 5 years of use my old macbook pro has finally reached the point of no return on a cost benefit basis as its screen has gone walkabout again.

So, greetings to the new macbook pro. 17" screen again and not all pretty and shiny but matt and ready to go for photo editing after only a smidgeon of colour correction. After the 17" screen and the similar size, almost everything else is different. Quad core processor, heaps of ram, and a video processor that once would have graced a laptop as the main processor and been feted in the nerdy magazines, probably not that many years ago. But, the piece de resistance is the the thunderbolt port. mega-times faster than USB 2.0 and multiple times faster than firewire 800.Finally, HD video editing may be a real time activity rather than a ho-hum I wonder how long it will take to render that - shall I have supper, a drink, a bath, go to bed and have breakfast the next day before checking or is that premature?

I just love techno toys....

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